Thursday, March 30, 2017

A confession that shook the core of my very being

_Please take time to read till the end_*

It was a Sunday morning service and we were expecting to go through the routine service line ups. But we were in for a great change in our normal order of service.
Right after the opening prayer, our Pastor introduced a very old man as the guest speaker for that morning. He didn't look familiar to any of us. There were no Praises, no Worship, no Testimonies, no Choir ministration to usher in the man of God.
This old man climbed the pulpit as it were, and all eyes were fixed on him. The place was dead silent; you could have heard the drop of the tiniest of pins. It was as if a holy awe had descended to swallow all the noise in the Church auditorium.

When he opened his mouth, he spoke these words:
"I am just returning from the burial rites of one of my

Tuesday, March 28, 2017


I am by no means an edifier, I am just me.
I am by no means a distractor, I am just me.

In the spirit of being just me and embracing myself, I write my musings:

Fashioned by a God who I have never seen, relying on the teachings of my father and mother- and they-their fathers and mothers, I find myself tied to a race that appreciate not itself, nor its history, but a race who will believe anything thrown at them, like a people lost, and not knowing they are.

I find myself in an environment surrounded by love, protected by grace, at least, that's what I was taught. I never saw 'grace' I only believed because I was taught that it existed. All I could do was eat, get education, sleep, play etc. I was but just me. I was taught to pray to the God of Abraham ,Isaac and Jacob, and that one day I will come to understand Him on my own terms, but honestly, I was not too perturbed. It seemed like He came with a bag of rules.

I found myself worried at the expectations from people. I was after all, the leader's daughter, I had to live in a certain way, dress in a certain way and act in a certain way. It was daunting. And so I most likely rebelled. But it wasn't full blown, apparently, I didn't just have the liver. My mom had a solid hand.

Eventually, I said to me, I must be of a different breed, I don't get this people. Can I live on my own when I grow up? get away? Well, and be of good cheer actually? What a long journey ahead for me. But yeah, I'll get to that.

I found myself looking for answers. Getting closer to a book - the oldest one. I found myself being pulled towards it. Relishing in its words of comfort and power. I found myself enjoying the stories. Really cool. I started longing for the kind of relationship He had with the early guys. Parting the sea. Wow. What great power He gives.

My longing turned real. Looks like I knew Him on my terms then. For me.
But no, that's not it.

He had mercy on my poor lost soul, and called me His own.

I found Him at last. I found myself surrounded by His love and grace. It wasn't an easy journey discovering this One.

I found myself.
I embrace my race. We are not perfect people, but we are stronger together than apart. Eventually, we will know our history, a history I'm too lazy to pen down now. lol

My Musings. My Life. On my terms.

I have been going through events in my life and I've come to terms with who I am. It's a difficult thing to accept because we tend to look at ourselves through perfect eyes, explaining our every move to those around us and asking 'why don't you get me?'

Well, as harsh as it might sound, they do get you. You are yet to come to terms with who you are and until you do, you cannot improve 'you'.

Friday, March 24, 2017

A Tribute to the oldest woman in Nigeria - and possibly the world


A wife of noble character who can find?

Aged: 115 years (Died 27th of January 2017)

10 She is worth far more than rubies.
11 Her husband has full confidence in her
    and lacks nothing of value.
12 She brings him good, not harm,
    all the days of her life.
My dearest grandmother, over the years, I have come to see you as the pillar of the Nwobi home. So forgive me when I thought that you would be with us for another 2 years. Maybe 5 even.
Today, as we lay your body to rest, I want to take time out to reminisce over the past years. We celebrate your life, and your death, because by it, you have gone to be with the Lord almighty.
Growing up and getting to know you, I always loved walking into your apartment or looking for you in the goat pen or poultry, in the morning, just to greet you ‘Mma good morning ma’. I simply loved it. It was one of those things about the village I loved. I remember fondly how you chase us all to come into your apartment for family evening prayers. Every time. You never missed.


February 21, 2017
Mohammed Buhari
President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria
Aso Rock Villa
Abuja, Nigeria
Dear Sir:
I am writing this letter to you with a deep sense of awareness. First, I thank God for the gift of life and for the privileged He has given you to be alive and rule this country that was once great, twice.
Also, I sympathize with you and on behalf of all well-meaning Nigerians, I wish you good health and a sound mind. Why? Because I am human, Nigerian, a daughter and a Christian – our motto is love.
As earlier stated, I am writing this letter with a deep sense of awareness. An awareness of the state of things in Nigeria. An awareness of the state of the economy. An awareness of the state of mind of most Nigerians. As an entrepreneur, I can boldly say that the Nigerian economy is in a horrible state right now and needs an immediate and practical solution. This solution must be well thought out and implemented in phases.  I’ll tell you this for free: I’m tired of waiting for “our leaders” to lead; at least the right way. They have led with corruption and separation from reality that it baffles me to think they are Nigerians. So I’m going to ask the following basic questions:
continue reading, after the cut

YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHO MY FATHER WAS TO ME GROWING UP - Musings on Father's Day - June 18th, 2017

I grew up knowing my father as my mother’s number one fan, a medical doctor, a lover of people and animals too, my very playful and g...